Am I a candidate for weight loss surgery?

Surgical Weight Loss
Our facility is one of the few Centers of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery in the region.

Our Surgeons perform a wide range of weight loss surgeries such as Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Vertical Gastric Sleeve, lap band removal, and Revisional Bariatric surgery all options are tailored to the individual needs and comorbidities of the patient. All Bariatric cases are performed robotically allowing for optimal visualization and better overall outcomes for our patients. Contact us to see if you are a candidate!

drfridley hudson florida weightloss doctor

Surgeries We Perform

Gastric Bypass

Achieve significant weight loss goals, safely, with Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Sleeve

Achieve your weight loss goals, with minimized surgical risk, through a Gastric Sleeve

Bariatric Revisional Surgery

Improve or correct a previous Bariatric Procedure with Bariatric Revisional Surgery