Non-Surgical Weight Loss
Effective and compassionate patient focused treatment for non-surgical weight loss

Is your energy level down and you need a boost?
Do you want to protect yourself against obesity, diabetes, cancer, or heart disease?

We can help!

Our nutritionists are experts in using food and nutrition to promote health and manage disease.

We offer expert-led programs to help patients of any size meet their goals. Our Certified Nutritionist are experts in using food and nutrition to promote health and manage disease and will team up with you to carefully craft an individualized road map to success. Learn more about our Rapid Weight Loss, Monitored Weight Loss, and Obera Gastric Balloon programs.

2 Week Rapid
Weight Loss Program

$ 299
  • 2 Nutritional Counseling Visits with Weight checks
  • 1 InBody Scan
  • 2 Week Supply of Supplements
  • 1 SABP Protein Shaker Bottle
  • 1 Nutritional Guidebook

12 Week Monitored
Weight Loss Program

$ 1099
  • 6 Nutritional Counseling Visits with Weight checks
  • 2 InBody Scan
  • 6 Week Supply of Supplements
  • 1 SABP Protein Shaker Bottle
  • 1 Visit with Physician for Monitored Weight Loss Program
  • 2 Week High Protein Meal Plan
  • 1 Nutritional Guidebook

Gastric Balloon Program

$ 7499
  • 12 Nutritional Counseling Visits with Weight checks
  • 1 InBody Scan
  • 1 Nutritional Guidebook
  • 1 SABP Protein Shaker Bottle
  • 2 Visits with the Physician
  • Facility Fees

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